View Full Version : Installing remote desktop "Gnome Desktop" at CentOS 5,6

10-31-2013, 08:34 AM
I have LXDE desktop at Ubuntu VPS, but i did not found how to install it on CentOS, but i found the way to install so called "Gnome Desktop", here is the guide..

You will be able to work on remote desktop using only internet browser equiped by Java. URL: http://YOURLINUXSERVERIP:5801/ or using classic VNCclient like TightVNC.


Recommended server minimum RAM is 512MB, i would not try 256MB, unless you go with LXDE at Ubuntu (http://internetlifeforum.com/linux-forums/191-how-install-free-ubuntu-lxde-desktop-vps/). If you are unable to install Remote Desktop, ask http://instantcpanelhosting.com for a VPS with LXDE or Ubuntu Desktop preinstalled.

Installing Gnome Desktop on Linux CentOS

If you are on CentOS 5:
yum install vnc-server vnc firefox -y;yum groupinstall "GNOME Desktop Environment" -y

If you are on CentOS 6:
yum install tigervnc-server vnc firefox -y;yum groupinstall Desktop -y


add new linux user and set password for him (in my case "rdp" you can use custom one, but you will need to replace rdp by your username in all following commands):

useradd rdp
passwd rdp

Edit VNC server configuration file:

vi /etc/sysconfig/vncservers

Add to the end of the file:

VNCSERVERARGS[1]="-geometry 800x600"

("a" key to start editing, "Enter" key to add new line at the end of file, Ctrl+C to copy text from this page, right mouse click to paste in SSH terminal. Then Ctrl+C to stop editing, then :wq to save changes and quit editor, or :q! to quit without saving changes.)

Switch to your newly created user account and set his VNC password by command:

su - rdp

then exit user account "rdp":


Start vnc server:

service vncserver start

Set to start at server boot:

chkconfig vncserver on

login as user "rdp" again:

su - rdp

edit xstartup file:

cd .vnc;ls;vi xstartup

"a" key for editing. uncomment lines:

# exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

so they are:

exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc

then add new line before above two lines u uncommented:

( while true ; do xterm ; done ) &

Ctrl+c , :wq

exit rdp user:


restart server, so you apply made changes

service vncserver restart

In Your internet browser add this address: yourserverIPaddress:5801
You might be able to login now your Gnome Desktop thanks to VNC server you installed.

Also you may try any "VNC client" windows/linux/mac software (im using Tight VNC portable) to connect your Remote desktop server. The address to connect should be: yourserverip:1 (port 1)

To install next software, you may use "synaptic" or "aptitude" which are package managers. to install it you can do example: apt-get install synaptic / yum install epel-release;yum install yumex

Install Java & Flash player: