View Full Version : 5 tips to buy the best domain VN

05-29-2018, 01:15 AM
It is necessary for you to build a website with a Vietnamese domain when starting your business in Vietnam. Follow these tips for to buy the best domain VN!

Do not contain special characters
Domain name only includes letters of the alphabet (a-z), numbers (0-9) and minus (-). A valid domain name should not contain these components: #, $, @, %. A domain cannot start with (-). Although (-) can be accepted in some cases, you should avoid this because it is not an optimized domain. Some people use domain contains (-) due to the best same domain belonged to others, but a domain like this will put a limit on SEO (search engine optimization). Besides, you have to notice that the spaces are also invalid in a domain name.

2. Do not make mistake

Make sure the name you have selected is not trademarked, copyrighted or being used by another company. It may result in a huge legal mess that can cost you a lot of money, as well as your domain!

Due to a lot of company uses the same the domain.vn as yours, so customer can completely make mistake. They are likely to type your competitor domain instead of yours. If the competitors offer better products or services, the customer can buy from them. And then you lost your faithful customer!

3. As short as possible

The domain name must not exceed 63 characters. This is general regulation. The short domain name should be prioritized. Some customers are not proficient in using the internet so sometimes it is not good for user to type long domains when they want to access to websites. Moreover, you should know that many competitors can chose the same domain name as yours. So let research carefully before buying a short domain.4. Easy to remember

There are millions of registered domains, so having a catchy and memorable domain is essential. Once you have come up with a name, share it with close friends to ensure that it sounds appealing and makes sense to others.

A domain name vn should be easy to remember, read and write. It should be a short meaningful phrase. When customer want to access your website, it is easier for them to remember your domain. Domain is not only and online address but also company’s brand, so making customers remember your domain will remind them of your brand.

It is necessary for you to use keywords that describe your business and the products/services you provide. For example, if you are a hosting business, you may want to register CheapHosting.com or HostingService.com. Remember to include the keywords that people enter when searching for your products or services. It helps improve your rank on search engines and just makes more sense to your customers.

5. Use an appropriate domain extension

Extensions are suffixes, like .com or .net, at the end of web addresses. These can have specific uses, so ensure to choose one that works for your business. The .com domain extension is far and away the most popular, but it can be tough to get a short and memorable .com domain because it has been around for so long.

Depending on target customers, you can buy domain Vietnam or international domain name. These followings are the most popular international domain extensions:

.net (network): organization and businesses performed by network.
.org (organization): organizations and enterprises related to politics and society.
.com (communication): individuals, organizations and businesses in general.
.info (information): organizations in the fields of economics, politics, culture, society.
.gov (government): government organizations from local to central levels.
.biz (business): individuals, organizations, business as the same as .com.
If your sites get domestic traffics, you can buy domain to get Vietnam domain - hosting solutions.

Thanks to whoiscom, any domain seller should display a textbox on its homepage, from which you can check the availability of your desired names. This also includes the extension, an often undervalued part of the domain. You should use to choose a domain that is memorable to people (especially prospects and existing customers) and ranked amongst the first 10 listings of the major search engine results.

Being creative with your domain .com.vn can work commercially, especially if it strongly tied into an offline business. However, most online business owner are best served by using keyword optimization techniques to access a list of appropriate domain. Many ISPs and hosting companies offer a bulk searching platform that can filter out your options quickly.

A good domain is quickly sold out. Thankfully, they are also inexpensive, so register your favorite domains as soon as possible. Get trouble when finding the best domain name for your business? Domain provider like VinaHost will suggest alternate names during your domain search to help you find the perfect domain names.