View Full Version : AffiliateCube - trusted CPA Network. Direct offers and highest payouts only.

03-22-2018, 10:22 AM

We are happy to introduce you CPA Network AffiliateCube (https://affiliatecube.com?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=start&utm_content=AC) - one of the most trusted platforms that helps publishers to monetize their traffic
since 2005! Since that time we’ve gained reputation of a reliable partner and undergone many changes, constantly improving our service.


Below the CPA Network AffiliateCube review (https://affiliatecube.com?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=start&utm_content=AC) - check out the most valuable features!

Lucrative CPA offers

Find hundreds of top performing CPA offers from direct advertisers only. Our list contains offers of various verticals covering most countries
of the world with highest payouts possible. Check it! (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=start&utm_content=AC)

Real-time statistics

Our statistics provides you with very detailed data on each click and lead and supports 16 parameters of grouppings to ensure the most
accurate and vivid information.


Smart Tools

Our team presents advanced tools that are designed to simplify your work and enlarge your revenues.

Campaign Redirect - very convenient tool to monetize mixed traffic from different countries. It is also a perfect tool to test offers - as you do
not need to make any changes outside the campaign settings. System will check each offer in the group automatically and choose those
that show better conversion rate.


Smart Banners - tool made on the basis of Campaign Redirect, but with banners rotation. It has the same mode of action, and places banner
spot on your web pages to attract more attention. Again, if you want to add/remove banners from the rotation, there is no need to make any
changes in the code.


Analytics will keep you immediately notified on each change to traffic and conversions. It compares data with previous periods (day/week/month)
so you can optimize your campaigns timely.



We offer payments flexibility depending on each particular situation. You may receive your earnings into following payment systems (or into
several at once!): PayPal, WebMoney, Paxum, EPESE, Wire Transfer.


Support Team

We care about each partner and practice customized approach. Immediately upon registration you'll be appointed with a personal manager
who will be happy to assist you on every aspect of partnership.

CPA Network AffiliateCube provides better partnership and cubometers of profit! (https://affiliatecube.com?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=start&utm_content=AC)

PS. Our network practices registration by invites only. To receive an invitation code, please, send us a request (https://affiliatecube.com/publisher-invitation-request?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=start&utm_content=AC) and we'll contact you soon.

03-27-2018, 10:44 AM
Dear webmasters!

#1659, Reward Explorer - Spring - Amazon $100 Gift Card *NOFREE, $2.50, Converts on: Survey & Email Submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1659?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180327)
#1660, Reward Explorer - Spring - Walmart $1000 Gift Card *NOFREE, $2.50, Converts on: Survey & Email Submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1660?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180327)
#1661, Reward Explorer - Spring - Visa $1000 Gift Card *NOFREE, $2.50, Converts on: Survey & Email Submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1661?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180327)

So long awaited Spring has arrived! To make your spring even brighter, we suggest you earn with CPA offer Reward Explorer - Spring (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1659,1660,1661&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180327).
These are sweepstakes for a chance to win $100-$1000 Visa, Walmart and Amazon gift cards. Sweepstakes terms are very simple. User
needs to earn 100 points by completing simple tasks (including purchase or paid subscription).

The publisher receives $2.50 per each user from the USA who completes a short questionnaire and submits email address.

Meet this spring in CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180327)


03-29-2018, 10:36 AM

#1648, Samsung Galaxy S9 (SE), $35.00, Converts on: Paid Trial, GEO: Sweden (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1648?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180329)
#1649, Samsung Galaxy S9 (NO), $20.00, Converts on: Paid Trial, GEO: Norway (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1649?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180329)
#1650, Samsung Galaxy S9 (FI), $30.00, Converts on: Paid Trial, GEO: Finland (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1650?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180329)
#1651, Samsung Galaxy S9 (DE), $20.00, Converts on: Paid Trial, GEO: Germany (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1651?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180329)
#1656, Samsung Galaxy S9 (FR), $20.00, Converts on: Paid Trial, GEO: France (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1656?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180329)

Samsung Galaxy S9 is the hottest smartphone in the global market. Therefore, we introduce you CPA offer Samsung Galaxy S9 (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1648,1649,1650,1651,1656&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180329). It's a
sweepstake for a chance to win new smartphone Samsung S9. To participate, users may subscribe for a trial period at a low cost.

Webmasters get from $20.00 to $35.00 (depending on the geo) for each subscription to the trial period. Offer covers several countries:
Sweden, Norway, Finland, Germany or France.

There are always fresh offers in CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180329)


04-03-2018, 11:25 AM

#1657, S&P - Spring - Target $1000 Gift Card (National Consumer Center) *NOFREE, $2.50, Converts on: Survey & Email Submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1657?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180403)
#1658, S&P - Spring - Target $100 Gift Card (National Consumer Center) *NOFREE, $2.50, Converts on: Survey & Email Submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1658?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180403)

Spring is a time to think about new beginnings. Start this new season with CPA offer S&P - Spring - Target Gift Card (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1657,1658&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180403) - sweepstakes
for a chance to win $100-$1000 Target gift card by performing simple tasks in the game. Target is the one of the largest discount store
retailers in the USA offering goods in categories from groceries to electronics, big discounts and high-quality service.

You will receive $2.50 per each user from the United States who completes a short questionnaire and submits valid email address.
Landing page is associated with Spring season.

Discover more opportunities with CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180403)


04-05-2018, 11:06 AM

#1551, Lotto 247 (PT), $40.00, Converts on: Lottery ticket purchase, GEO: Portugal (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1551?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180405)
#1557, Lotto 247 (FI), $40.00, Converts on: Lottery ticket purchase, GEO: Finland (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1557?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180405)
#1653, Lotto 247 (DE), $40.00, Converts on: Lottery ticket purchase, GEO: Germany (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1653?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180405)
#1654, Lotto 247 (CA), $40.00, Converts on: Lottery ticket purchase, GEO: Canada (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1654?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180405)
#1655, Lotto 247 (NZ), $40.00, Converts on: Lottery ticket purchase, GEO: New Zealand (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1655?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180405)

There is no one in the world who would not dream of winning the lottery! Meet our wonderful CPA offer Lotto 247 (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1551,1557,1653,1654,1655&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180405), offering people to
purchase popular lottery tickets with the biggest jackpots in the world.

Pleasant news for webmasters! You receive $40.00 per each purchase of a lottery ticket made by user from Finland, Germany, New
Zealand, Canada or Portugal.

Full list of all active offers in our CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180405)


04-10-2018, 10:21 AM
Hello everybody!

#1535, Terra Pure Pet Renew (Advertorial), $28.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1535?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180410)

Every dog's owner knows how important to take care of your pet's health. And so we introduce you CPA offer Terra Pure Pet Renew (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1535?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180410).
These are two must-have products (Pet Renew Chew and Pet Calm essential oil) to keep dog active and emotionally balanced everyday.
These supplements improve mobility and reviatlize energy, calm dog's anxiety and stress, protect joints and muscle function, relieve pain
and aches.

Offer pays $28.00 for each sale of the supplement to user from the USA. Landing page is made in the form of advertorial article in the
magazine, with a real history of the dog owner - we are sure it will significantly raise the conversion rate!

Useful offers in our CPA network AffiliateCube!

http://clm9.com/up_images/1535aceng_TerraPurePet.png (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180410)

04-12-2018, 09:36 AM

#1530, Turmeric Diet (Advertorial), $65.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1530?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180412)

Beach season is approaching! And it means that the key question for many women now - "How to lose weight for summer?". Therefore, we
suggest to monetize your female traffic with our CPA offer Turmeric Diet (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1530?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180412) - is a fast an easy way to burn fat and lose weight. Supplement
contains 100% natural Turmeric + Forskolin extract capsules.

The offer pays $65.00 per each sale to users from the USA. Landing page is made in the form of advertorial article in the magazine, with
real stories of weight loss - it will significantly raise the conversion rate!

The most actual offers in our CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180412)


04-19-2018, 11:15 AM
Dear partners!

#1668, HBO series (SE), $35.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Sweden (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1668?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180419)
#1669, HBO series (NO), $20.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Norway (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1669?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180419)
#1670, HBO series (FI), $30.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Finland (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1670?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180419)

HBO is home to the shows that everyone is talking about – from groundbreaking series, documentaries and sports to the biggest blockbuster
movies available anywhere. And our team want to introduce you with CPA offer HBO series (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1668,1669,1670&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180419). This is a sweepstake for a chance to win HBO
free account. To participate, users may subscribe for a trial period at a low cost.

You'll earn from $20.00 to $35.00 (depending on the geo) per paid trial signup by a user from Sweden, Norway, Finland.

Our team are always glad to see you in our CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180419)


04-24-2018, 10:29 AM

#1652, OneTwoSlim (3 packages) !!!BONUS $1000***, $40.00 - $68.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: All Countries (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1652?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180424)

Crunch time for weight loss continues! Meet excellent CPA offer OneTwoSlim (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1652?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180424). It is a unique dietary supplement that contains Green tea,
Garcinia cambogia, Raspberry ketone and many other ingredients. Moreover, user will receive recommended diet plans, developed by
scientists and professional athletes to speed up total transformation of body, mind and living.

Publishers receive $40.00 - $68.00 (depends on package user purchases) per each sale to users from ANY COUNTRY. Note!!! Bonus
$1000 to each publisher who sells 1000 bottles! Offer has landing page in English.

Excellent offers in our CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180424)


04-26-2018, 12:33 PM
Dear Partners!

#1683, Fitness Videos, $18.75 - $30.00, Converts on: CC submit (Free Trial), GEO: Switzerland, Spain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Chile, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, UAE (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1683?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180426)

The perfect body requires a strong commitment to a diet and exercise program. Therefore, we've decided to introduce you our new excellent
CPA offer Fitness Videos (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1683?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180426) - a portal where users can find thousands of video workouts, fitness programs, fit recipes, etc. It offers 5-day
free trial, so user may cancel at no cost or continue with Premium membership.

Publishers receive from $18.75 to $30.00 (depending on the geo) per each free trial registration.

We invite you to our CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180426)


05-03-2018, 09:20 AM

#1806, SaySo Rewards - Best Opportunity, $0.80, Converts on: Survey completion, GEO: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, Russia (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1806?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180503)
#1807, SaySo Rewards - Most Popular, $1.20, Converts on: Survey completion, GEO: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, Brazil, China, Japan, Mexico, Russia (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1807?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180503)
#1808, SaySo Rewards - Our Favorite, $1.60, Converts on: Survey completion, GEO: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Australia, Brazil, Mexico (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1808?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180503)
#1809, SaySo Rewards - Give it a Shot!, $2.80, Converts on: Survey completion, GEO: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1809?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180503)
#1810, SaySo Rewards - Toughest!, $4.00, Converts on: Survey completion, GEO: USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1810?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180503)

Webmasters, you can do a good deed and make money with CPA offer SaySo Rewards (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1806,1807,1808,1809,1810&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180503)! It is a platform where users may share their opinion
on the products and services they use through completing surveys or taking part in online offers. Plus one complete of an online survey or offer
through SaySo Rewards equates to one meal provided to a hungry child around the world through charity partner Action Against Hunger.

You earn from $0.80 to $4.00 (depending on the type of survey) per each user who qualifies for and completes survey. Offer covers many
countries in the world.

We are always glad to see you in CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180503)


05-08-2018, 10:55 AM
Dear Webmasters!

#1689, Vouchers Avenue - M&M's, $2.40, Converts on: 1st page signup, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1689?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180508)
#1691, Vouchers Avenue - Gold Bears Haribo, $2.40, Converts on: 1st page signup, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1691?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180508)
#1692, Vouchers Avenue - Twizzlers, $2.40, Converts on: 1st page signup, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1692?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180508)
#1693, Vouchers Avenue - Peanut Butter Reese's, $2.40, Converts on: 1st page signup, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1693?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180508)
#1694, Vouchers Avenue - Candy Mentos, $2.40, Converts on: 1st page signup, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1694?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180508)
#1695, Vouchers Avenue - Small Candy Skittles, $2.40, Converts on: 1st page signup, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1695?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180508)

Sweets and chocolate are a great pleasure for most of us. Therefore, meet CPA offer Vouchers Avenue (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1689,1691,1692,1693,1694,1695&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180508) - sweepstakes for a chance to win
$5.00 gift certificate to purchase various sweets of famous brands, such as Skittles, Mentos, Reese's, Twizzlers, Haribo Gold Bears and
M&M's on Amazon. Sweepstakes terms are simple: register an account, then complete a survey and/or view a series of offers. Afterwards
he receives a promotion entry and becomes a participant. No purchase necessary to win.

Good news! You will receive $2.40 per each registration by a user from the United Stated.

Your life will be sweeter with CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180508)


05-10-2018, 01:32 PM

#1867, Amazon (US/AU/CA/NZ/ZA/IE), $16.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1867?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)
#1868, Amazon (TW/AT/BH/AE/HK/SM//KW/BN/SG/LU/QA/OM/HU/RO/MY/KR), $16.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: Austria, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Korea (Republic of), Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, Romania, San Marino, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1868?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)
#1869, Amazon (LatAm), $4.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1869?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)
#1870, Amazon (FR/BE/CA French), $32.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: Canada, France, Belgium (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1870?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)
#1871, Amazon (DE/CH German), $32.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: Switzerland, Germany (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1871?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)
#1872, Amazon (IT), $12.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: Italy (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1872?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)
#1873, Amazon (IN), $16.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: India (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1873?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)
#1874, Amazon (RU), $16.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: Russia (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1874?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)

It is said that there's no such thing as a free lunch, but Amazon refutes this folk wisdom. Meet СPA offer Amazon (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1867,1868,1869,1870,1871,1872,1873,18 74&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510) - sweepstakes for a
chance to win Amazon gift card by subscribing to service for the 7-day trial period at low cost of just $1/€1/70 rub.

Offer covers almost all countries in the world and pays from $4.00 to $32.00 (depending on the geo) per each paid trial registation.
Also, the offer has landing pages in several languages - English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian.

Earn more with CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180510)


05-15-2018, 10:32 AM

#1883, 1 EUR Galaxy S9 (FR/BE), $23.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: France, Belgium (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1883?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180515)
#1884, 1 EUR Galaxy S9 (FR/BE) *V2, $23.00, Converts on: Paid Trial Signup (CC submit), GEO: France, Belgium (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1884?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180515)

Samsung’s new flagship Galaxy S9 is easily the most impressive Android smartphone on the market right now. Therfore, we are
pleased to introduce CPA offer 1 EUR Galaxy S9 (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1883,1884&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180515). It is a paid trial subscription for just €1 - all subscribers become participants
of sweepstake for a chance to win Galaxy S9.

You will earn $23.00 per each paid trial signup by a user from France or Belgium. Also, the offer has 2 landing pages, which you
may test with Campaign Redirect.

We are waiting for you in our CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180515)


05-17-2018, 10:26 AM

#1890, SuperSave - Makeup Samples, $2.40, Converts on: Full Form Submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1890?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180517)
#1891, SuperSave - Dove Samples, $2.40, Converts on: Full Form Submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1891?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180517)
#1892, SuperSave - Beauty Samples, $2.40, Converts on: Full Form Submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1892?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180517)

Do you know at least one woman who does not want to look perfect and not spend a dollar? Of course not! Therefore, we present
our excellent CPA offer SuperSave (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1890,1891,1892&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180517) - portal, which offer registered users deals, samples, coupons, freebies, etc. User will need to:
complete registration process using valid information, complete survey, and agree to the use of personal information in accordance
with Privacy Policy as well as Terms of Service.

The offer is for USA traffic only and pays $2.40 per each new registrant.

Only actual offers in CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180517)


05-22-2018, 11:30 AM

#1894, ProtecVital - Rope Man Power *WITH PRELANDERS, $14.00 - $45.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Switzerland, Germany, Austria (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1894?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180522)
#1904, ProtecVital - Power Men *WITH PRELANDERS, $14.00 - $45.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Switzerland, Germany, Austria (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1904?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180522)

Male virility is one of the most important components in life of every men. We present to you CPA offer ProtecVital (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1894,1904&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180522) - a German
product that will start working in a half an hour and increase vitality, performance and endurance. Made out of 9 natural Chinese
herbs and processed with care, this formula has been proven to work and tested rigorously. It is approved in German and Swiss
pharmacies and has no side-effects. 3/6/12 packages available.

The offer pays $14.00 - $45.00 (payout depends on geo and the package user purchases) per each sale. It accepts following
countries: Austria, Germany, Switzerland. Note! There are additional landing pages for prelanders.

Register and earn with us in CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180522)


05-24-2018, 11:22 AM

#1893, iPhone X (AT), $24.00, Converts on: CC submit (paid trial signup), GEO: Austria (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1893?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180524)
#1896, iPhone X (CH), $28.00, Converts on: CC submit (paid trial signup), GEO: Switzerland (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1896?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180524)
#1898, iPhone X (FI), $28.00, Converts on: CC submit (paid trial signup), GEO: Finland (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1898?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180524)
#1900, iPhone X (NO), $28.00, Converts on: CC submit (paid trial signup), GEO: Norway (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1900?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180524)
#1902, iPhone X (SE), $36.00, Converts on: CC submit (paid trial signup), GEO: Sweden (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1902?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180524)

A lot of people in the world dream about iPhone X and our new CPA offer iPhone X (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1893,1896,1898,1900,1902&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180524) gives an opportunity for its users to win this
flagship by participating in a sweepstake. All they have to do is signup to a trial at a low cost.

Webmasters receive from $24.00 to $36.00 (depending on the geo) per each subscription to a paid trial by a user from Austria,
Switzerland, Finland, Norway, Sweden.

Many excellent offers are in our CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180524)


05-29-2018, 01:01 PM

#1905, Idealica (DE) *LP5, $20.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Germany (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1905?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180529)
#1906, Idealica (DE) *LP1 MOBILE, $20.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Germany (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1906?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180529)
#1912, Idealica (IT) *LP5, $19.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Italy (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1912?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180529)
#1913, Idealica (IT) *LP1 MOBILE, $19.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Italy (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1913?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180529)
#1921, Idealica (ES) *LP5, $18.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Spain (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1921?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180529)
#1922, Idealica (ES) *LP1 MOBILE, $18.00, Converts on: Sale, GEO: Spain (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1922?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180529)

Various supplements for weight loss will always be actual in all the world, so meet CPA offer Idealica (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1905,1906,1907,1908,1909,1910,1911,19 12,1913,1914,1915,1916,1917,1918,1919,1920,1921,19 22,1923,1924,1925,1926,1927,1928,1929&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180529). It is absolutely natural
complex, that not only helps to lose weight, but also change body shape, improve overall health and rejuvenate body. Moreover,
the product contains a large number of biologically active substances, vitamins and antioxidants in pure natural form.

Important information! The offer pays from $18.00 to $20.00 (depending on the geo) per each sale to users from Germany,
Italy, Spain. Note! There are additional LPs for Prelanders.

Monetize your traffic with CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180529)


05-31-2018, 11:20 AM

#1979, Prepaid Gift Card - World Cup 2018 *NOFREE, $1.60, Converts on: Email submit, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1979?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180531)

The most popular sporting event in the world, FIFA World Cup 2018 is just around the corner! And we are in a hurry to present
CPA offer Prepaid Gift Card - World Cup 2018 (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1979?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180531). It is a sweepstake for a chance to win tickets to any game at World Cup 2018.
To receive the gift, users must be US residents 18 and older, complete the registration process, a number of Sponsor offers and
all program requirements. Some Sponsor offers may require purchase.

But it's far easier for you, friends - you'll receive $1.60 per each new participant from the USA who submitted valid email address.

Don’t miss a chance to earn with AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180531)


06-05-2018, 01:33 PM
Hello everybody!

#2006, World Cup 2018 Russia (US/AU/CA/NZ/ZA/IE), $16.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2006?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)
#2007, World Cup 2018 Russia (TW/AT/BH/AE/HK/SM//KW/BN/SG/LU/QA/OM/HU/RO/MY/KR), $16.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Austria, Bahrain, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong, Hungary, Korea (Republic of), Kuwait, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Oman, Qatar, San Marino, Singapore, Taiwan, United Arab Emirates (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2007?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)
#2008, World Cup 2018 Russia (LatAm), $4.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, Venezuela (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2008?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)
#2009, World Cup 2018 Russia (FR/BE/CA French), $32.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Canada, France, Belgium (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2009?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)
#2010, World Cup 2018 Russia (DE/CH German), $32.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Switzerland, Germany (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2010?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)
#2011, World Cup 2018 Russia (IT), $12.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Italy (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2011?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)
#2012, World Cup 2018 Russia (IN), $16.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: India (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2012?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)
#2013, World Cup 2018 Russia (RU), $16.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Russian Federation (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2013?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)
#2014, World Cup 2018 Russia (RO), $12.00, Converts on: CC submit (Paid Trial), GEO: Romania (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/2014?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)

FIFA World Cup is the main sporting event all around the world, which takes place every four years. So, we present to you the
relevant CPA offer World Cup 2018 Russia (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=2006,2007,2008,2009,2010,2011,2012,20 13,2014&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605). It's an opportunity for users to win travel to 2018 Russia World Cup. Sweepstakes
terms are very simple! Users just need to subscribe to service for the 7-day trial period at low cost of just €1.

Offer pays $4.00 - $32.00 (depending on the geo)per each paid trial singup and covers many countries in the world. Landing
pages are translated into the appropriate language (Romanian, Russian, English, Italian, German, French, Spanish).

Don't miss a chance to earn with CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180605)


06-07-2018, 11:05 AM

#1963, Brighter Loans, $55.00, Converts on: Approved Loan, GEO: USA (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1963?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180607)

More and more Americans are turning to personal loans to improve their financial futures, therefore CPA offer Brighter Loans
(https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1963?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180607)is very actual! It's a portal that will help to connect users with many lenders ready to serve them. Personal loans up to $35.000!

Offer is for USA only. Webmaster receives $55.00 per each approved loan.

The most current offers are in our CPA network AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180607)


06-12-2018, 11:07 AM

#1987, AsiaMe Best, $8.00, Converts on: Signup (SOI), GEO: Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Sweden (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1987?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180612)
#1988, AsiaMe Hot, $6.00, Converts on: Signup (SOI), GEO: USA, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Iceland (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1988?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180612)
#1989, AsiaMe Easy, $3.50, Converts on: Signup (SOI), GEO: Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Croatia, Ireland, Malta, Netherlands (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1989?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180612)
#1990, AsiaMe Broad, $1.30, Converts on: Signup (SOI), GEO: Spain, Hungary, Japan, South Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Turkey (https://affiliatecube.com/offer/1990?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180612)

Today we have a wonderful suggestion for webmasters working with dating niche! We present to you our new CPA offer AsiaMe (https://affiliatecube.com/offers?title=1987,1988,1989,1990&utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180612) -
premium international dating site connecting beautiful Asian women seeking serious relationships with men from around the world.
AsiaMe provides safe, easy-to-use and professional services (Live Chat, CamShare, EMF Mail, etc.)

Offer pays from $1.30 to $8.00 (depending on the geo) per each registration (registrants must complete their profiles) SOI (without
email verification) by a user and accepts traffic from many countries of the world. Please note statistics is updated daily but not in
real time and will not reflect new registrants immediately.

Sign up and earn with CPA offer AffiliateCube! (https://affiliatecube.com/?utm_source=internetlifeforum.com&utm_medium=forum&utm_campaign=post&utm_content=180612)


12-25-2020, 09:20 AM
Thanks for the topic and comments, this topic is very close to me.