View Full Version : How to Use Twitter to Grow your Business

03-22-2018, 10:04 AM
Has Twitter ever been fruitful to you when you actually wanted to promote something, be it your blog or your business you are about to initiate?

Are you looking for an answer to the query of how to grow your business on Twitter?

If yes, then don’t think much and use Twitter as the tool to expand your business all across the globe.

Are you looking for regular clicks on your website URL through Twitter or are you crazy about increasing your followers on Twitter? Then find out How to use Twitter for your business (http://shopygen.com/how-to-use-twitter-for-your-business/)

04-30-2018, 07:55 PM
ReTweet will work best.

08-29-2018, 06:13 AM
There are many ways to get more followers on Twitter
1. You can make an informative profile and add the attractive image
2. You can Increase numbers of followers Social Quant tool. This tool helps to quickly increase your relevant followers by using data
3. Post informative images, articles, infographics and videos to get more users engagement
4. Use Twitter Ads to Target Your Email List
5. Use relevant hashtags and add targeted country
6. Use the compelling and emotional headline to get more clicks

09-18-2018, 07:37 AM
Here are some important tips to grow one's business online via twitter:
1.Frequently tweet videos and pictures
2.Generate perfect profile
3.Follow the related peoples
4.Implement Twitter Cards
5.Use Twitter Ads to Target Your Email List
6.Use the Right Hashtags
7.Use Your Pinned Tweet

William Phillips
08-10-2019, 06:14 AM
Twitter is one of the most popular known social media platform. Twitter has different features that can help you to grow your business.
1. Retweet other's post related to the niche.
2. Follow the know people of your industry
3. Using of hashtags to your post.

10-09-2019, 02:48 PM
If you're going to use Twitter, make sure that you have more followers so you can increase your exposure.

12-17-2019, 07:17 AM
Here are few of the ways to get more followers on Twitter

You can create informative profiles and add engaging images
You can increase the number of Social Quant Tool followers. This tool helps you quickly grow your relevant followers using data
More. Post informative images, articles, infographics, and videos to get more users engaged
Use Twitter ads to target your email list
Use the related hashtags and add the target country
Use catchy and emotional titles to get more clicks

12-19-2019, 02:05 PM
Sharing your website URL and images in Twitter will help to generate more traffic to your website and build its popularity.

03-26-2020, 11:31 AM
Firstly, you have to see that whether your current customer base fits with the Twitter profile and if you can do regular tweets which your customers will appreciate and find interesting, then sign up to Twitter.

Twitter offers a short 140 characters to ferry around. So, you have to make your content in this character limit only. So, you have to be masters in the content writing whatever way you choose to market yourself.

08-27-2020, 10:09 AM
Hey, Jessica!
Twitter is 2nd most favorite social media platform for businesses & advertisers to do marketing to reach their customers.
I use Facebook social media platform to reach to the customers & engage with them.

10-22-2020, 10:13 AM
dear friend,
twitter is on of the best to grown up your business. With the right marketing plan, businesses can use the platform. you're new to Twitter or want to start using the platform to help brands become more discoverable and grow their number of followers.

05-28-2021, 06:28 AM
These points will helps to grow business:

1. Build your Twitter Followers
2. Implement Twitter Card
3. Identify influencers and engage with all of them
4. Use Twitter ads to target your Email List
5. Use Twitter List to manage your contact
6. Use the relevant hashtags